From October 3 to 5, 2013, I and eight of our U of M ceramic students attended 1000 Miles Apart in Calgary at the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD). We all participated in an exhibition at ACAD called Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty. 1000 Miles Apart is a student-focussed conference, hosted in rotation by four different Western Canadian schools that offer ceramic programs – University of Manitoba, University of Regina, Red Deer College, and the Alberta College of Art and Design. A combined student and faculty exhibition is traditionally part of the conference. Visiting artists presenting workshops and lectures at ACAD this year included Sean O’Connell and Ryan McKerley. There is also an opportunity for each school to show off their programs. I am very proud of our student Grace Boyd, who delivered an excellent presentation on our U of M ceramics program. I supplied many images of our students’ impressive work for the presentation, but she put it all together. Thank you Grace Boyd!

And a huge thank you to Katrina Chaytor and Greg Payce, and their dedicated and hard-working students, for putting on a successful conference. We look forward to attending 1000 Miles apart in Red Deer next year, and then it’s our turn in 2015!

Visiting Artist Demo – Ryan McKerley, Austin, Texas