Much of my work is commemorative and informed by history. Most recently my ceramics practice has been inspired by the Anabaptist Haban ceramics connected to my own cultural heritage. Haban is a little-known tradition of Anabaptist pottery that began in 16th-century Central and Eastern Europe, centred on the use of a tin-based glaze called maiolica. In my ceramic cameo series, the cameos stand in for portraits of those who have gone before us and reference the traditional practice of hanging portraits in oval frames. 

Each ceramic cameo is informed by close observation of natural forms combined with characteristics of Haban pottery, and the backdrops are inspired by my recent research into traditional Mennonite patterning and colour as used in floor painting, floor cloths, quilts, clothing, needlework, furniture, and architecture.

Several groupings of the Commemorative Cameos have been exhibited. First a grouping of five ceramic cameos on fabric backdrops were shown at the Winnipeg Art Gallery/Qaumajuq in Inter Artes et Naturam (Between Art and Nature), May 27 to August 27, 2023, curated by Riva Symko and Tammy Sutherland in honour of my Governor General’s Saidye Bronfman Award received in 2023. Then one more cameo was added to the grouping for the Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts exhibition held at the National Gallery of Canada, December 8, 2023 to March 3, 2024. My installation at the National Gallery of Canada was curated by Euijung McGillis. 

Photographs: © National Gallery of Canada 2024.